9 Things to Do When a Friend’s Experiencing a Health Crisis

It’s never easy to watch a loved one suffer — here’s how to lend your support.

Fresh Look on Life with Cindy Nolte
Thrive Global


It was almost a year ago that my husband earned the title of lung cancer survivor.The process had its ups and downs. It was a journey that involved emotional, physical, and spiritual challenges. There was a lot of waiting in between tests with unanswered questions. Even after the test results, the course of treatment was not one size fits all. Different doctors provided different suggestions for the best course of treatment for his diagnosis.

Making a decision about the right treatment can leave anybody feeling confused about what direction to turn. I had the advantage of over a decade of studies in a variety of holistic modalities, a family member who is a breast cancer survivor who took a lot of the mystery out of the experience, an incredibly compassionate primary care physician, and a brother that is a medical doctor that I could call on for advice.

Through my husband’s healing process, I became a student again. I stepped out of my role as wife, and looked at my husband as a case study in regards to his treatment. At night when he was sleeping, I researched what everyone I could find who was a stage IV lung cancer survivor did to promote their healing. I compared all of the case studies. I meditated and asked for guidance.

This is what I found was important in the healing process for anyone:

1) Don’t refer to the diseases by name. Addressing a disease by name gives it power-almost as if it was an invitation to reside in your body rather than just visit. Fred-what we named my husband’s tumor- was an unwelcome visitor who was being evicted.

2) Maintain a positive mindset.

3) Have faith that something-I don’t care what it is-more powerful than you has your back and can heal you at any moment.

4) Although number #3 may be true, do what you are guided to do. Sometimes divine intervention guides you to the health professionals that were chosen to provide your healing.

5) Nourish your body, mind, and spirit with high quality food.

6) Exercise if you are healthy enough to do so.

7) Combine traditional and nontraditional modalities.

8) Believe that you can and will heal. If you don’t believe the possibility, find examples of those who have already become survivors.

9) Choose a team of professionals that you believe have the knowledge and motivation to restore your health. If you consult with a physician that doesn’t believe that they can heal you, believe them and go to somebody else.

Picture yourself, in every way getting better and better-restored to balanced health-body, mind and spirit.

~I am sending positive energy and prayers for anyone undergoing a health-crises at this time.

Photo courtesy of Pexels



Fresh Look on Life with Cindy Nolte
Thrive Global

#Bestselling Author of Finding Peace in an Out of Control World, #TEDx Speaker,Consultant, Holistic Practitioner, mindfulness junkie, rescue mom